Clinics & Services

Cervical Screening

Patients will be invited by letter to book an appointment when cervical screening is due.

Held By- Practice Nurses

Times- Contact Reception to book an appointment

The Facts about Cervical Screening

Chaplaincy Service at Glebe Surgery

Held at Glebe Surgery

Please follow link for more information

Child Health Surveillance (CHS)

Held by: Doctors and Health visitors

Time: Refer to Reception

Child Immunisations

Held by: Practice Nurses

Time: Refer to Reception

Contraceptives – Other

Held by: Doctors and Practice Nurses

Time: Refer to Reception


Held by: Practice Nurses

Time: Refer to Reception

Diabetes Clinic

Held by: Specialist Diabetes Nurse

Time: Refer to Reception

Long Term Conditions

Please click here to read more about LTC and birthday recalls

Maternity Services

Held by: Community Midwife-

These are held at the Glebe Surgery, Storrington on a Friday morning.  Please phone the Community  Midwife 01903 285195 at Worthing Hospital for more information.


Held by: Health Care Assistants

Time: Refer to Reception

Private Procedures and Charges

Minor Injuries Units

There are 2 Minor Injuries Units Locally Horsham/Bognor Regis who can help with minor problems such as listed below please see each minor injury unit as some treat different problems.

Burns & Scalds Advice on wounds
Insect bites
Black eyes
Dog bites
Foreign bodies from eyes

and other problems.

Please click on each Minor Injuries unit for information about what they can and can’t treat and opening hours.

Horsham Minor Injuries Unit

Bognor Regis Minor Injuries Unit

More information about MI Units and Urgent treatment centres locally


Nursing care at home

We work closely with other healthcare professionals who are part of our Primary Health Care Team working in the community, such as the district nursing team, midwives and health visitors. These services are provided by the West Sussex Primary Care Trust (PCT) and are based locally, you should direct any enquiries to the individual services:

  • District Nurses – 01903 258970
  • Midwife Triage Number- 01903 285269
  • Health Visiting Team – 01273 696011 Ext 4524

If you have an illness or incapacity that means that you need nursing care in your own home, the district nurse, will visit you. Patients who are likely to benefit from this service include the housebound, the elderly, people with a terminal illness, and those who have recently been discharged from hospital. District nurses provide wound care, palliative care, continence advice, health promotion advice and advice on co-ordinating care packages. If you move permanently into a care home locally, the district nurse may be able to continue your care. Your GP may also be able to continue to care for you, or a number of GPs may provide services for the residents of local care homes.